Home Gaming NewsGame Releases Next Day: Survival Launches Today

Next Day: Survival Launches Today

by Thelget

Next Day: Survival is a multi-player SURVIVAL game with rpg elements. Its action takes place in an imaginary country within Eastern Europe, a large part of whose territory is contaminated with toxic fog. The player’s main task to survive, to develop his character’s skills and to interact with the surrounding world, other players, and non-player characters (NPCs). In the course of the game, the character earns reputation which gives the chance to join various factions of survivors, each with their own features and limitations.

Game Details
  • A magnificent story. Unlike many other survival games, Next Day has a carefully crafted storyline. Of course, carrying out tasks isn’t required. You can just complete the main task, to survive. However, these story quests will help you better plunge into the world of the project; to know the essence of nature and a person’s role in it. Transport – if you’re lucky, you can acquire a means of transportation varying from cars to a truck.
  • A sophisticated crafting system-without skillful hands you can do nothing in the wild. Β An easy and convenient system allows you to create necessary items needed for survival. You can create various tools and weapons necessary for survival as well as repair vehicles to make them usable.
  • There are a variety of game modes. Basic-game mode combines SURVIVAL and RPG. Single player grants the opportunity to play alone in basic mode. Multiplayer is almost identical to basic except for the possibility of inflicting damage upon other players. Last Survivor mode takes place in an area contaminated by a toxic fog and time is limited, try to be the last remain survivor!
  • Quests in Next Day: Survival gives players certain objectives and each group has its own line of quests apart from the basic ones; delivery of items, killing animals, NPCs or temporary tasks. There are quests that allow players to collide in real-time.
  • Reputation and group affiliation. Players receives reputation points for killing other players or NPCs, determined by affiliation with one group or another.Β  Players ultimately have the right to choose which side he wants to be on.

Next Day: Survival SS1

Can you Survive?

If you love survival games, then you’re in luck, explore a grim new dystopian world in Next Day: Survival. As of today, test access available on the game’s official site, for fans of shows like β€œMan vs. Wild”, β€œSurvivorman” can now test the limits of your endurance in the wilderness. Be warned, the wilds aren’t your only enemyβ€”much, much more terrifying opponents lurk in their depths. Humans kill each other even in times of plenty, so when faced with bitter cold and hardship, their savage, primeval qualities take over and they turn into cunning, underhand, pitiless enemies.

The most dangerous are those people who think that weapons and only weapons can prolong their lives. “Marauders”, whose communities are human society’s true clumps of garbage: former prisoners, murderers and rapists.

Next Day: Survival SS2
Less dangerous are the “Savages”, who in contrast to the marauders, do not raid other settlements with the aim to profit at a stranger’s expense. They live alone in the forests or in small families.
One other group exists and it’s the one to which we belong, the “Peaceful Ones”. We are civilized people trying to preserve moral principles and humanity in ourselves.

Available Now On Steam

Next Day: Survival is now available on Steam and on Sale for 25% off, click here to check it out.Β  I hope to review this game soon, currently I have not had the chance but stay tuned to our YouTube channel for a review shortly.

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