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Submit Game For Review

Digitalunderground Submit PC Game Review

DigitalUnderground.net prides itself on providing unbiased, fair reviews of PC Games coming to or having just arrived on the market.

Please understand that we sometimes receive many requests at once and there could be a delay in getting a review out.  We don’t set a time limit on our testing as games vary and we want to put in ample amount of playtime to give the most complete review possible.  If you are on a deadline for your review, try to submit your request as early as possible and note any target dates you’re hoping for us to hit, we will do our best.  This is not a guarantee that your review will be up on that date, but we will give it our best effort.

Game preview?

If you’re trying to generate some buzz about a game just hitting Alpha or Beta, feel free to submit it to us for a preview article.  Please include any restrictions related to the early access, we will be sure to note the fact that the game is still in development when posting a review.

No Game Too Small

We are avid gamers and love to support developers that make the thing we love.  Regardless of your studio size, game budget or development stage, we would be happy to help get content out to our audience about your game.  In addition to initial launches, we would definitely welcome updates, expansion notifications, potential sequel details.. anything that may be newsworthy for your release.

Unbiased Means Unbiased

While we would love it if every game released was a gem, it isn’t always the case.  Our readers trust us to provide a fair and honest review and that is what we strive to do.  It is never our intent to bash a game, publisher or developer.  Even the greatest developer, author, musician, artist, occasionally produce a bad egg.

Submission Guidelines

You can submit game for review via email to info@digitalunderground.net .   If you have a media kit or press kit, please include the necessary details with your email.  Screenshots are always appreciated as well as any trailers that we can post in the article and on our YouTube channel.  Finally, please include social media links, game website details and any other helpful information for potential fans of your game to follow you.

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