Home Gaming NewsGame Updates OhShape Adds #StayHome Fitness Map

OhShape Adds #StayHome Fitness Map

by Thelget

Odders Lab announced the #StayHome update for OhShape VR game, adding new content and a fitness map workout. In these hard times, Odders Lab decided to do its bit and give players more tools to workout at home and cope with social isolation as best as possible.

#StayHome Update

The #StayHome update includes a fitness map that allows players to tonify their whole body (the update is already available in Quest and it will arrive to PCVR soon). On top of that, the dev team also wants to help the most disadvantaged: for each player that finishes the fitness map #StayHome, Odders Lab will donate 1$ to UNICEF to slow down the spread of COVID-19.

#StayHome Update Features

  • #StayHome fitness challenge
  • 3 new songs for the Extras album (20 total)
  • YUR integration
  • Manual calibration
  • New Beginner mode
OhShape #StayHome Fitness Map ss1

Many of these features were demanded by our community. The new calibration system gives the player the option to adjust the height manually, while the Beginner mode, available in all the official songs, will help the less experienced players on their first steps with OhShape.

On top of all this new content, the #StayHome update also includes the YUR fitness tracker integration. This means now players can keep track of the calories burned and movements made while they perform all kinds of poses in everyone’s favourite Hole in the Wall simulator!

Available Now

OhShape is available, with the #StayHome update including the fitness map, at the following online stores; Steam, Oculus and Viveport.

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