Home Gaming News Game of Life, A Documentary Film For Gamers

Game of Life, A Documentary Film For Gamers

by Thelget

Mediorite Launched “Game of Life” documentary film in partnership with Red Bull Media House. The moving short documentary shows how a man reconnects with his mojo with the help of an online friend, his family and video games. The film goes live on Tuesday, 2nd June 2020.

Games Bringing Generations Together

Tallulah Self, 21, is on a mission to give her grandfather back his wings. Garry Bowhill-Mann, 74, is an RAF veteran and full-time carer for his wife. He lives in a bungalow in Norfolk, England, and over time has become increasingly isolated.

While Garry’s life is getting lonelier and harder, he is escaping into another unexpected life. Late at night he finds his own personal solace in a room that only he uses. There he transforms into a ruthless assassin, a seasoned soldier, a fearless flying ace. All through the liberation of video games.

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For the past year Garry’s passion has afforded him the rare opportunity to meet new people… and he’s found a regular peer to play with. He’s been meeting up online with Mike Nolan, 71, who lives on the other side of the world. Mike is also a services veteran and happens also to live in a village. Although his one happens to be in sunny California, not grey East Anglia. Garry and Mike have never met face-to-face. Until now.

Tallulah just wants to bring her granddad back to the person she used to know: a vivacious bloke who was the star of the local panto. So she’s come up with a plan to take him to California to meet his gaming mate, Mike, in an effort to lift Garry’s spirits.

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“To me, this is a story about unusual friendships across the ocean with contrasting characters which challenges our stereotypes of the elderly. As soon as I met Garry I knew this was a story I wanted to tell.”

Leanne Rogers, Director

Game of Life was produced by Mediorite, London for Red Bull Media House, London & Salzburg – part of an initiative focused on excellent storytelling applied to human interest documentaries.

The film was directed by Leanne Rogers and Tallulah Self. Leanne is Head of Creative Content at London-based production company Mediorite. She launched her documentary career with “Violet Vixen” for Little Dot Studios, which received national press and TV coverage as well as over 1 million views on social media. This is her second mid-length documentary.

Tallulah is an Editor at London-based TV production company, The Connected Set, working on a wide range of factual content, primarily for the BBC. She trained at the National Film and Television School. 

Watch The Game Of Life Documentary Film

Watch the documentary film Game of Life now on Redbull.com.

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